President | Ross Coughran |
Vice-President | Peter Sparrow |
Honorary Secretary | Chris Gammage |
Treasurer | Peter Dwyer |
Minutes Secretary | Peter Sparrow |
Committee | Lee Hausman, Phil Gerber, David Boyd, Graham Larkham |
Trustees | Chris Gammage, Warren Stickens and John Burgess |
Compensation | Lee Hausman 04090 392 496 and Ric Salt |
Welfare (including funerals) | Phillip Gerber – 0408 218 940 David Boyd – 0408 168 655 Denise Lowe – 0403 176 118 |
Far Western District Representatives | David Boyd and Phillip Gerber |
The Sub Branch meets the third Sunday of every month, except January, in the Club from 11am.
To contact our Sub-Branch please email